Menu broken on mobile

If the mobile burger menu does not open on mobile devices, it may be due to a broken image link or the use of a PNG file.

The mobile burger menu is positioned in the header section at the top of the screen on mobile devices.


Start by examining the mobile main carousel to identify any broken images or PNG files linked to the website.


Examining the frontend content below we see there is a broken image attached to the content block section.

This issue is caused by a PNG file. PNG files are more suitable for graphics like logos, not for photos, which are better saved as JPEGs. For more information on optimising images for the CMS, please refer to the section on optimising images.

Locate the correct content block row and expand to view the assigned image. When you hover the cursor over the image thumbnail, you will see the image name and caption heading title in a tooltip. To resolve the issue replace the PNG file with a Jpeg image.