How to Contact our Support Team?

We are happy to help!

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If you would like to contact our Support Team, please send us an email 👉 here 


What will happen when you email us? 

What happen Support Request EN (3)

How can I shorten the time it takes to resolve any request I make?

  1. Before submitting any request, please check our Knowledge Base here. There is a wealth of useful information available that may assist you in resolving the request quickly and without having to wait.
  2. When contacting us, please summarise your request clearly and concisely; do not forward long email threads as this will take our team a long time to read, and we may still be unsure what your request is.
  3. Please limit each email to one request. If you have a new request, please send it in a new email as a separate request.


Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to serving you better.