Create an Offer: Dates & Restrictions (Step 3)

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Create an Offer: Guide

Previous Step:

Step 2: Price & Extra Beds

Dates & Restrictions

Room: Here you can set up the activation date for your offer as well as an expiry date, if required. If you set up a future date for your offer, it'll be hidden to the public until that date.

DR RC Hotel EN 1

Room Status: Your offer will be 'Open' by default. You also have the option to set an offer as 'Closed' by default. Closing an offer by default is a good option for limited time offers e.g. Valentine's Day, Christmas etc.

DR RC Hotel EN 2

Restrictions: Select all the restrictions that apply to your offer such as minimum length of stay, maximum length of stay, minimum booking window etc

There are many restrictions available, so feel free to browse the list until you find what you are looking for.

You can add as many restrictions as you like, as long as those restrictions can logically function together. 

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⚠️ Be careful on the restrictions you are applying. Some restrictions will not function when enabled together.

E.g. If you set up a max nights stay "Maximum of 3 nights stay" and then you also set up "Minimum of 4 nights stay", your offer will never appear.

Click on "Next".

Next Step:

Step 4: Groups & Order

Last Update: December 2021