The icons are not showing for one of the rooms pages?

Font icons & thumbnail images presented along side labels are a great way to showcase room amenities.

If the icons are not showing in one of the room pages, first check the source view of the page editor for mistakes in the html code.

If you're not comfortable with this, edit one page where you can see the icons displayed and copy the code and insert using it as a template.

Here you have an example:


You can copy this icons code also:

<div class="col-md-4 sb-icons-rooms">
    <span class="fa fa-bathtub fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> bathtub<br />
    <span class="fa fa-shower fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> shower<br />
    <span class="fa fa-wheelchair fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> wheelchair<br />
    <span class="fa fa-music fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> music</div>
<div class="col-md-4 sb-icons-rooms">
    <span class="fa fa-wheelchair fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> wheelchair<br />
    <span class="fa fa-television fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> television<br />
    <span class="fa fa-headphones fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> headphones<br />
    <span class="fa fa-desktop fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> desktop</div>
<div class="col-md-4 sb-icons-rooms">
    <span class="fa fa-laptop fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> laptop<br />
    <span class="fa fa-wifi fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> wifi<br />
    <span class="fa fa-cutlery fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> cutlery<br />
    <span class="fa fa-glass fa-2x">&nbsp;</span> glass</div>

This markup is from bootstrap 4 framework.


You can find more icons in the CMS menu.

This will bring you to a page library of icons from which you can resize and choose

Selecting + the icon copies the code to the clip board, so it makes it easy to paste to the source view of the html editor.