Manage Rooms & Landing Pages

Use the booking engine feed to easily manage automatic updates. Other setups use content blocks and featured banners for landing pages.


Rooms Feed

The Rooms Feed is a dynamic feed directly extracted from the booking engine.

One advantage of using this feed is that you can manage it in one place through the super admin/hotel admin. This means that if you have selected the rooms page template, the content on the page will automatically update.

A disadvantage is that you cannot edit the content unless you have access to the super admin/hotel admin, and the reservation links point directly to the booking engine.

If you want to make changes to the content and replace the room links with internal pages that provide more details, you will need to choose the default template and use content blocks to build the content on the page.


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Manage the Rooms Page

2. Manage Content > Menu and Pages > Rooms

The Smart CMS offers a unique rooms template that presents the Rooms Feed from the Booking Engine in a visually appealing list format. You can easily identify this rooms template by the light gray text (Accommodation/Rooms) in the input fields for "Page Main Title" and "Menu Title".

For the Klimt template the Rooms module needs to be selected in the visible column.


3. Managing Rooms in the CMS

To manage individual rooms in the CMS, go to the "Optimize Sales" section and click on "Offers and Rooms". 

Here, you can easily manage your rooms by selecting the price groups and moving them from the "Available" column to the "Selected" column on the right-hand side.

This allows you to efficiently organise and control the rooms available for booking on your website.

Clicking on the "View available offers and rooms" link will open a new window displaying all the information from the Booking Engine that is presented in the rooms page feed.

Learn more about managing offers & rooms in the Smart CMS. Rooms in Smart CMS.

To edit the images and text of the Rooms Feed, you can refer to the Booking Engine settings. Booking Engine setup.


Content Blocks

Content blocks are a versatile feature that allows you to customize the information displayed on the rooms page. 

With content blocks, you can easily showcase multiple images in an attractive carousel layout and add buttons that link to separate pages with more detailed information about each room. This not only enhances the user experience but also improves search engine optimization (SEO) visibility for search engine bots.

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It is important to note that if your website supports multiple languages, you will need to handle and maintain more content than just the rooms feed configuration.

Learn more about content blocks & content block groups.


Learn more about creating custom booking links to the Bookassist reservations page.

Tips & Tricks - Managing Price Group links


Featured Banners

This is a great alternative to the list view and is also perfect for a landing page that connects to subpages.


Mor info about featured banners.


Featured Banner Grupos

It can also be used to include visual pagination for easy navigation between room detail pages or subpages.

The mentioned example is displayed as a carousel, allowing for easy navigation between room detail pages or subpages.

Group the banners together and choose the display mode of either Blocks (list view) or Carousel.

More info about featured banner groups.


Rooms Module

The Rooms Module displays the same information as the Rooms Feed in an attractive carousel format.

This feature is exclusive to the Klimt theme and can be assigned to any page, except for the rooms template, using page modules.

The Rooms Module includes a visually appealing carousel layout that showcases Rooms Feed. This carousel is unique to the Klimt theme and can be assigned to any page except for the rooms template. It allows for easy navigation and enhances the user experience when viewing room details or subpages. Learn more about page modules and how they can be utilised to create a rooms carousel.

More info: page modules.