FAQs - The monthly reservations check

At the beginning of each month you receive a list of all reservations proceeded during the past month. Please check each reservation carefully and if necessary make your corrections 

online. The changes must have been done until the 8th of each month at latest.

You can modify the check-in and check-out date or the room rate plus 3 options to tick:

  • No-Show: The customer has not arrived at the hotel
    (only the GDS transaction fees will apply from Bookassist GDS)

  • Cancellation: The customer cancelled the booking directly at your hotel by phone, fax or email (only the GDS transaction fees will apply from Bookassist GDS)

The fees can only be waived if a booking is correctly cancelled through the original booking channel before the check-in.
  • Commission: Commissions will be paid directly to the travel agency by the hotel. (You are then not using our centralized commission clearing with WPS)

Only with the correct dates we are able to calculate the correct commission amount for the travel agents or the web portals and are able to send you a correct commission invoice. Please bear in mind that we have to charge a handling fee of 35 EUR in case the booking modifications are submitted to us later than the 8th of the month and in case we have to issue a new invoice due to this delay.