Share a Folder or a File on Google Drive


To share a folder or a file on Google Drive follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to your hotel Google Drive account
  2. There are two ways to share access to someone on Google Drive:
  3.  The first one: Click on "Search on Drive” and type the folder or file name

  • Once you find the folder or file you are looking for click on it with the left button of the mouse and then click on

  • Type the email address of the person you would like to share the folder or file with and choose the kind of interaction the user can have with the folder or file; write a message to the user if necessary then click on “send” 

  • The user will receive the invitation via email with the text message you previously inserted

4. The second way: share a file on Google Drive is to open the document and click on the top right button “share”

  • Type the email address of the person you would like to share the folder or file with and choose the kind of interaction the user can have with the folder or file; write a message to the user if necessary then click on “send”

  • The user will receive the invitation via email with the text message you previously inserted