How to resize imagery for Google Ads

In order to keep your digital marketing campaigns up to date, it is important to provide Bookassist with any new and / or relevant seasonal imagery so our team can add these assets to your campaigns.

Required Image Sizes


  • Landscape (1.91:1): 1200 × 628 (min required: 600 × 314, max file size: 5120KB)
  • Square (1:1): 1200 × 1200 (min required: 300 × 300, max file size: 5120KB) 
  • Portrait (4:5): 960 × 1200 (min required: 480 × 600, max file size: 5120KB) 


  • Landscape (4:1): 1200 × 300 (min required: 512 × 128, max file size: 5120KB)
  • Square (1:1): 1200 × 1200 (min required: 128 × 128, max file size: 5120KB)


Note: Having a landscape only logo can limit your reach and isn't recommended. All guidelines above are in pixels following the format of width x height. 

How to Resize Images

When you receive imagery from a photographer or graphic designer, they will typically give you the same photo in varying formats and sizes. When resizing images, it is a good idea to start with your largest size file. JPEGs work perfectly for Google Ads. 


To resize your images to the required size, you can use a variation of tools such as Photoshop or Canva but the easiest method is to use the in-built photos app on your computer. 

For Apple Computers: 

  1. Open the image and click on the pen icon on the top right hand side to activate your markup toolbar 

  1. Click on ‘Adjust Size’ 


  1. Add in the pixels as per size guidelines above. Make sure the box with ‘Scale proportionally’ is ticked. If this button is not ticked, your image will compress but appear skewed. Insert the largest number of pixels first i.e. for landscape images the guideline size is 1200 x 628 so you would enter 1200 into the width section. Below you will see width 1200 x 741, this is because we have kept the scale proportionally button ticked and the system has kept the height in proportion for us. 

  1. Save your image 
  2. Amend the title of your image to ‘Hotel Name - Image Reference - Image Dimensions’ so Bookassist can easily identify your images when downloading each image 


For Windows Computers: 

  1. Double-click the image file you want to resize to open it in Photos
  2. Once it's opened, click the three dots in the top-right corner, then click ‘Resize’
  3. A small pop-up will appear, offering you three preset sizes for the picture. Click ‘Define custom dimensions’ at the bottom
  4. A menu will appear that lets you set exactly how big you want the image to be
  5. Make sure the ‘Maintain aspect ratio’ button is ticked. If this button is not ticked, the image will compress but appear skewed.  Insert the largest number of pixels first i.e. for landscape images the guideline size is 1200 x 628 so you would enter 1200 into the width section 
  6. Click ‘Save resized copy’ 
  7. Amend the title of your image to ‘Hotel Name - Image Reference - Image Dimensions’ so Bookassist can easily identify your images when downloading each image 


If you are having problems resizing your imagery, let your DM Specialist know and they will be able to assist you further.