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Google Pay-per-Stay FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Google Pay-per-Stay

What is Google Pay-per-Stay (Google PPS)?

Google Pay-per-Stay (also known as Google PPS) is a new bidding strategy available into Hotel Campaigns (also known as Google Hotel Ads).

Through the Pay-per-Stay bidding model hoteliers pay a % commission on all the bookings generated through their Google Hotel Ads campaigns.

Only confirmed bookings are due the % commission: no-shows and cancelations are not taken into account. 

What’s the difference between Google Hotel Ads campaigns managed through PPS (Pay-per-Stay) vs PPC (Pay-per-Click)?

The difference is in terms of how hoteliers pay Google for the visibility that they gain through their Google Hotel Ads campaigns.

  • Pay-per-Stay (PPS): hotels pay Google a % commission on confirmed bookings;
  • Pay-per-Click (PPC): hotels pay every time a user click through an hotel ad.

What are the differences between CPC (Cost-per-Click), CPA (Cost-per-Acquisition) and PPS (Pay-per-Stay)?

The below image explains the different bidding strategies (CPC, CPA, PPS) in the context of the customer journey


Will Google PPS campaigns replace “traditional” PPC Campaigns into Google Hotel Ads?

No, Google PPS is a new additional bidding strategy that is available to hoteliers and that coexist with existing bidding strategies (included CPC). 

What's the recommended campaign model for a hotel that has never engaged with Metasearch advertising?

For a new hotel we recommend to start with a PPS model, run the campaign for at least a quarter and then eventually switch to a PPC model depending on the results delivered. 

How do I know which bookings are generated through the Google PPS (Pay-per-Stay) campaigns?

Google provides a tracking pixel that Bookassist installs into the Booking Engine of the hotel and detects any bookings that the hotel receives through its Google Pay-per-Stay campaign.

Is the PPS (Pay-per-Stay) Model available also on other Metasearch channels?

No, at the moment PPS is only available on Google.

Both Tripadvisor and Trivago are reported to launch their own PPS (Pay-per-Stay) campaign models soon.  

Is the Google PPS (Pay-per-Stay) Model available for existing Bookassist Metasearch clients?

No, at the moment Google PPS is only available for Bookassist New Clients. 

If a Hotel is doing Google Hotel Ads with a PPS model and another Hotel competing for the same auction is running a PPC model, how Google calculate the Ad Position for each advertiser

Google converts the commission (per stay) percentage in an equivalent CPC bid. The higher the commission bid, the higher you will position within the Hotel Ads auction.

Because for the Ad Positions of advertisers Google will continue to use its ranking formula: 

Quality Score + Bid = Ad Rank