Create a Meal Plan

Go to Upsell ▶️ Manage Meal Plans

On that page you can view all of the available Meal Plans created for your hotel. You can also view your "inactive" meal plans by clicking on the check box. If nothing appears that means you have no inactive meal plans. 


Create a Meal Plan

Click on "Add New Meal Plan" .

Basic Data 

Fill in all of the required fields : 

  • Meal Plan Name : This is the name that will appear on the Booking Engine 
  • Meal Plan Type : This determines if the price will be the same for all occupants, or if the price will be dependent on whether it's for an adult or a child.
  • Meal Plan Status : Here you can set your Meal Plan to 'active' or 'inactive' status. We recommend that you leave it inactive until you have fully created the Meal Plan. 


  • Meal Plan Internal label : This is purely for internal use, and can be used in case some Meal Plans contain the same name. This is so you can identify the one you are looking for more easily. 
  • Meal Plan description : Even if you feel this information is not necessary, it is highly recommended to add a description that describes your product.

⚠️ IMPORTANT : Be careful with the language you are using when creating a "Meal Plan". If you are using the Extranet in English when creating your Meal Plan, you must fill the information in English. If the Extranet is set to another language, you must enter your details in that language. 

Click on "Next".

Default Price 

On this page you can set up the default price for your Meal Plan. The page will change depending on whether the price is the same for all occupants, or whether it's different for an adult and for a child.

Same price for all occupants : 


Different on whether it's an adult or a child : 

➡️ In this example, we have set the maximum age for a child to 12 years old. Now anyone over the age of 12 will be considered as an adult.


This is what you will see when you wish to set up different default prices depending on age. In the example below, a child from 0 to 5 years won't pay the Meal Plan but they will pay 10€ from 6 to 12 years old.


Click on "Next".

Assign Rooms

Here you select which Rooms should use the Meal Plan you have created:


Click on "Next".


If you have more than one Meal Plan, you can choose their position on the booking engine: 


Click on "Next".


The last step to create your Meal Plan is to add the translation. 


You can either save your Meal Plan as a draft, or publish it by clicking on "Publish".

Your Meal Plan is now created and/or published. 

Last Update: December 2021