Check Google Ads Performances on Google Analytics

Use Google Analytics to monitor performance of your paid campaigns.

To check Google Ads performances on Google Analytics platform follow the below instructions:

  1. Access your hotel Google Analytics account
  2. Under “Acquisition” click on “Google Ads” and then select “Campaigns”

  1. On the top right of the page click on the dates and choose the range of time you would like to check the campaigns performances and then click on “apply”

Note: you can also compare the current month performances to previous month/year etc


2.  Scroll down and you will see the campaigns on the left and the principal metrics (eg. Clicks / Costs of the campaign / CPC / Bounce Rate etc.)

3.  Select “Secondary Dimension” if you would like to check some dimensions more in detail (eg. Keywords / Device Category etc.) 

If you have any questions, concerns or you would like to receive training on Google Analytics do not hesitate to contact your Digital Marketing Specialist or Digital Marketing Department.