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Booking Platform Photo Recommendations

Tips and best examples for your hotel photos and how to send them to Bookassist Team


The proportion of an image is the ratio between the width and the height of the photo. Some of the most common used ratios are:

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Specifically in the hospitality ambit, we are used to seeing wide rectangular or landascape (horizontal) photos that display room spaces more efficiently. 

RECOMMENDATION -  All photos in the New Booking Platform are displayed using 16:9 ratio proportion in rectangular landscape mode (horizontal photos), which means that any vertical photo will be cropped to fit.



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Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 14.18.26

That is why it is important to upload (if possible), only rectangular landscape mode (horizontal photos). 

Composition of Photos - Responsive Platform:

We are serving only images in horizontal to ensure a consistent visual layout across our Booking Platform.

The Booking Platform uses a responsive framework, which means the images will adjust to fit the screen size of the device being used. As a result, the horizontal proportion of the images may vary slightly depending on whether the user is viewing the site on a phone, tablet, or desktop computer. This responsiveness ensures that the images look good and maintain their quality on all devices, providing an optimal viewing experience for all users.

Additionally, images may be cropped depending on the screen size to maintain the best possible appearance and layout. Therefore, it is important that the selected photos have the most relevant part at the centre to avoid cropping undesired areas.


RECOMMENDATION -  When uploading photos, choose ones where the frame is centered around the most relevant items of the photo (bed, window view, desk etc.).

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This concept refers to the number of pixels in an image area. Usually the more pixels in a given area the better the quality image.

On the New Booking Platform ONLY photos of high quality will be displayed. High-quality rate photos are those that are 2048 pixels or wider. No photo with less resolution will be displayed (these are crossed out as in the example below).

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RECOMMENDATION - We suggest providing images at least with a 2048 pixel 

size (it fits the proportion 16:9).

Images with text

It is strongly recommended NOT to use images with text. While this is common practice in graphic design (in magazines, posters…), it is not appropriate. Just a few reasons: 

  1. Poor mantaintenance: if you need to change the text you’ll have to edit an image, recreate it, and upload the picture each time you change.
  2. Bad for Google: image texts won’t be read and won’t be indexed and thus Google won’t find them or use them to enhance your SEO.
  3. Anti-multilingual: you will have to create different versions of an image with the texts translated for each of the languages your web may be viewed in.
  4. Accessibility: screen readers to help the impaired will not read the content of images and if this is the sole way to convey information, it will be lost. 

                            Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 15.12.26.        Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 15.08.45                                                                 Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 14.44.22                                                        Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 14.44.22

How to send photos to Bookassist

Once you have all your high quality photos, you need to send them to Bookassist (support@bookassist.com) so that they can upload them and assign them to the correspondent room type, rate plan or add-on.

This email must include photos for each type of room, correctly named with a descriptive title that helps us identify them. (e.g., incorrect: IMAG0001 | correct: Superior Double) as well as any add-on you may also want to add. 

Photos must be as follows:

  • Maximum upload size is 6MB
  • Minimum width for gallery photos is 2048px
  • Formats allowed are JPG, JPEG and PNG
  • Name of room type or add-on

RECOMMENDATION - You can send them via email if they're not too many or too heavy OR through 'Drive' or 'Wetransfer'